March 13- 23rd 2009. The itinerary
In summary this is a list of events as they actually happened, even though many were not planned in advance. The group events are numbered and counted as 18. Other personal ministry events are not listed, though there were many, There was much prayer in groups and hours of praying alone each night.
1 – Saturday 14th– The Apostles’ Ministries, Longdenville, Chaguanas (Central Trinidad). 11am started walking the neighborhood to invite children, 3pm was the children’s event. Most were un-churched children with no home life. About 30 children and 15 adults.
2 – Sunday 15th– The New Evangelistic and Missionary Movement. In Couva. Pastor William Nelson. 9am to 12:30 pm I preached the Sunday morning Service and prayed individually over every child there and many of the adults which went on for hours after the message. The church had invited many visitors for the event. The church had a lunch as part of the event. Attendance over 100.
3- Sunday 15th- 1pm – 2:30 pm After the lunch, I gave an evangelistic message for the children along with giving out the gifts
4 – Monday 16th- 9 am Faith Assembly Preschool, Caparo (Central Trinidad). 9am-1pm. Only a few children were Christians. The Christian teacher encouraged me to give bible to the Hindu teachers which could get them in trouble with their husbands. The church used the preschool for evangelism. I gave the message to 20 plus children and Hindu teachers.
5 – Monday 16th- 5pm Shiva in San Fernado. 3 men in obedience to a message from the Lord set up a Sunday school for children in the middle of and extremely Hindu and Muslim area. The children were extremely receptive. Intense prayer was needed. 20 or so children and maybe 10 adults.
6 – Tuesday 17th– Back to Faith Assembly, met with Pastor Kanhai this time and the children again. Signed the Bibles.9am-1pm.
7 – Wednesday 18th- 9 am – 5 pmPastor With Pastor Andy Dharson, Carlson Field, Chaguanas, Central Trinidad. Whole Day of being invited in Homes to pray and talk about Jesus. Met with about 50- 100 people
8 – Wednesday 18th- Carson Field. 6 pm- 11:30 pm Preached the Wednesday night service for those we met that day, adults and children, followed by a children’s event. Many stayed later for prayer and ministry. Maybe 200 children and adults
9– 9 am- 12 pm 9 – Thursday 19th Business meeting for the ministry conducted by Lee. Attended by Jon and Felina , the three pastors plus staff of Apostles Ministries and Pastor Andy.
10 and 11- Thursday 19th- 1pm – 1:30 pm 2 Evangelistic events for grades 2 and 4 in the Public school which was founded by Presbyterians but is now under very strict guidelines not to evangelize or teach Jesus as the only way. I boldly evangelized to about 100 children.
12 – Thursday 19th 6m- 9 pm I Spoke to a prayer and bible study group of 20 adults about my personal testimony related to the ministry for the children
13 – Friday 20th– Chaguanas Evangelical Church Preschool. Evangelism and gifts for about 25 children and teachers. Most children were not Christian, but were well cared for.
14 – Friday 20th –Richplain Baptist Church, Diego Martin (North Trinidad). 6pm – 8 pm. Gifts and evangelism for 30 to 40 children and adults
15 – Saturday 21st– 9am – 11 pm Chickland Weslyan Children’s Home. Central Trinidad. Gave gifts, ministry, prayer and love to about 15 orphans. This is one of the only two Christian orphanages in all of Trinidad and it is losing it’s building in a few months. There are no plans for safe places to put the children. Has almost no financial support.
16 – Saturday 21st- 12 pm – 2 pm Phillips Children’s home. The only other Christian orphanage in Trinidad. Brought lunch and toys to 20- 30 children there. They have little food. No pictures allowed. Spontaneous prayer broke out. The children and I all prayed for each other as group.
17 – Sunday 22nd- 9am- 1pm The Church of the Pentecost, Carson Field. Pastor Andy and I both preached the Sunday morning service to about 50 in attendance, prayed and I ministered to many who stayed. Nisha began getting help from Pastor Wendy.
18 – Sunday 23rd– A Baptist Church funded by the Southern Baptist Convention. Kingdom Ministries, Pastor Lloyd Meares, Princes Town (South Trinidad). 4pm. This and another church partnered to invite over 100 un churched children to this very successful children’s event. After I spoke, The Pastor gave an invitation and 20 children came to accept Christ. I had such a line of children wanting me to pray for each one of them that I did not see it or know about it until I was told later.